Around the House

The New York Times > Washington > Survey Confirms It: Women Outjuggle Men

It may fall into the category of Things You Knew but Could Never Prove, but a new survey by the Department of Labor shows that the average working woman spends about twice as much time as the average working man on household chores and the care of children.

The average working woman also gets about an hour's less sleep each night than the average stay-at-home mom. And men spend more time than women both at their jobs and on leisure and sports.

Clearly, men need to be more helpful around the house. (Progress is relative, however: a male friend of mine in Morocco once expressed astonishment that American men did any housework at all.)

The story goes on to mention that we spend more than half our leisure time watching TV. My aspiration is zero TV, but even it weren't, half my leisure time watching the tube would be way too much.