Running in Place

It was a bad weekend for computers. I managed to fry both my processor and my floppy drive. The computer was shutting down intermittently for no apparent reason, so I suspected that the processor was overheating. (I had had problems previously with the heat sink that came with my AMD Athlon 2000.) I upgraded the heat sink, but I managed to install the it incorrectly (it was asymmetrical) and fried the chip. Arrrrrrrgh! Fortunately, I was able to buy a relatively inexpensive AMD Athlon 2400 as a replacement without having to upgrade the motherboard. I got everything hooked up, and it appeared to be working fine. Fine, that is, until smoke started pouring out of my floppy drive and the power cables began to melt. I cut the power before any more damage was done. The computer (minus floppy drive) is working fine for the moment. (Otherwise you would probably not be reading this. I guess I should look on the bright side; at least it was cheaper to repair than my car, I was able to do it myself, and everyone survived.