My Thoughts on the Facebook Cause "Free Palestine"

I have hesitated for a long time before joining this cause. As a member of a Jewish family, a firm friend of Israel, and an uncompromising opponent of political violence, I have been concerned about the nuances, implications, and appearance of joining Free Palestine. I do not endorse destruction of the state of Israel, either directly or indirectly. That said, I also believe unequivocally in the right of Palestinians to self-determination and self-government, and a true withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza is long overdue. I am supportive of the idea of a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, and there should be free access to the holy sites. I oppose a right of return to land that is inside Israel's borders recognized by the United Nations, but I think compensation of people who fled the advancing armies in 1948, 1967, and 1973 would be appropriate. I am sure that in trying to please everybody I will please nobody, but i have tried to find a position that is fair and moral. God help us all.