A Day with Rachel

Rachel learned to kiss this morning. She was eating her breakfast, and she just puckered up her lips and started to blow kisses for the first time.

Later in the morning, we went to swim class. Rachel does not much like floating on her back, but she kicks like a champ when I pull her along on her stomach.

When I blew bubbles in the water, she was not imitating me. Gayle told me after the class that the problem was that I needed to put Rachel's mouth in the water. (She was not going to do it herself. Duh!) I was hesitating because (obviously) Rachel does not like getting water in her mouth, but my hesitancy kept her from having a chance to imitate my bubble blowing. I guess I always have to bear in mind what she is and is not capable of: I tend to be surprised by both. Clearly, I have my assignment for next week.

We then went to a community fair sponsored by the Comcast cable network. Most of the booths were geared to children older than Rachel, so it was just as well that Rachel slept through it all. I was not sorry to be spared waiting in the block-long lines for a chance to have my picture taken with lifesize cartoon characters Sponge Bob and Dora the Explorer.

The fair was not a total loss, however, since we managed to grab a couple of chili dogs and some Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

Before hitting the grocery store later in the day, Rachel and I stopped at the Barnes and Noble, where I grabbed a latte and a chess book. Rachel was able to indulge in two of her favorite activities — riding the escalator and ogling the "bookmarks" sign. (The sign is shaped like a large wooden flag, and it never ceases to amuse.)