Dear Mr. Ambassador

His Excellency Aziz Mekouar
Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
1601 21st Street, NW
Washington DC 20009, USA
Tel No : (202) 462-7979 Fax No : (202) 265-0161

Americans disappointed in Morocco's recent actions toward Nichane and Le Journal Hebdomadaire may want to drop a note to Morocco's Ambassador to the United States, His Excellency Aziz Mekouar. It goes without saying that the most persuasive letter is one that is respectful of the Ambassador and the government and calmly reasoned.

Freedom of the press is a value that Americans cherish and respect in others, and one that they would like to see observed by their longtime friends in Morocco. Moreover, freedom of the press supports a healthy and stable civic society and serves to counteract extremism of every kind. Freedom of the press is not a threat to Islam, which can and will be vigorously defended in the press by Muslims and others. For these reasons, we ask that Morocco reconsider its recent actions limiting freedom of the press through the prosecution of Nichane and Le Journal Hebdomadaire.